Tuesday, December 1, 2009

From the Jewish Ethics Project...

I received this intriguing dilemma from Joseph Telushkin's Jewish Ethics blog:

Subject: Ethical Dilemma #10

The following Ethical Dilemma was originally sent to Rabbi Telushkin and published in his
http://www.facebook.com/l/b3be4;Beliefnet.com column. (It was reprinted in Rabbi Telushkin's book "The Ten Commandments of Character".)

"Dear Joseph,

I'm in my late sixties now, and I have terminal cancer. I'm also carrying a terrible secret. My husband and I have two children, a girl and a boy, both in their thirties. Our son, though, is not my husband’s, though he doesn’t know this. It all happened during a brief affair at a time of bad tension in our marriage. The affair turned out to be inconsequential, and the man himself is long dead. I love my husband, and yet the thought that I’m dying with this lie between us gives me no peace. I feel that I should speak to him and tell him, and my son, the truth.

-- In Deep Pain”

What do you think? Share your opinion at

If you go to the site, you'll see that there is near unanimity that the woman should not tell her family her dark secret. Telushkins' own opinion will be posted next week.

I'd love to hear what you think.

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